
This document lists API changes for users and contributors under the labels “public” and “private”, respectively. Changes made to documentation are not listed. The logs of a specific version describe changes respective to the version before. Any change that could break existing code is marked as “(breaking change)”.

Version 0.3.2#


  • Added a docstring for Matrix.__len__() (this was an unintentional omission).

  • Changed the type-hinting of Matrix.values() to show resemblance to Matrix.slices(). Its functionality remains the same.


  • The typing sub-module now imports annotations from __future__.

  • The string returned by the __repr__() of all materialized Mesh sub-classes now invoke their constructor arguments by keyword.

  • Changed the signature of Box.__init__() to accept a one-element tuple, rather than an element. This brings it more in-line with the Row and Col meshes. Box still only stores a sole value, however - its array is constructed at access time, like in prior versions.

Version 0.3.1#


  • Added builtins.IntegralMatrix as a type alias of builtins.IntegerMatrix, for those that work (and want consistency) with the numbers.Integral ABC. Do note that the class still only accepts sub-types of int.

  • The EvenNumber and OddNumber types used by Matrix.rotate() now covers literal integers from -16 to +16 - this was originally -4 to +4.

  • The top-level module has been renamed from matrices to matrixlib. The library’s “branding” has been changed to reflect this across all relevant systems (GitHub, PyPI, etc.) (breaking change).

  • The string returned by Matrix.__repr__() no longer invokes the array argument by keyword. The array argument itself can, and will continue to be invocable by keyword, however.


  • Added a typing sub-module for miscellaneous typing needs. This module is not exposed at the top level (though that may change in the future).

  • The EvenNumber and OddNumber types have been moved to the typing sub-module. These are the only objects that exist within it as of right now.

Version 0.3.0#

The first “official” version of the library.