Best Practices#

Keeping your matrix code clean and maintainable.


Your choice of matrix may not always have methods to accomplish a specific task - this is fairly common, as the library tries its best not to over-extend on capabilities that may eventually require too much maintanence. Element, row, or column-wise operations can be defined as free-standing functions, or methods of a sub-class - it’s entirely up to you, but, we tend to prefer free-standing functions so that other matrix types can be used.

For functions that take a matrix as input, we generally recommend making it shape-agnostic, such that you may use it on the matrix itself, or its rows and columns. Many standard library functions, such as sum() and statistics.mean(), are inherently written this way, as they only require their argument to be iterable:

>>> from matrixlib import ROW, COL, RealMatrix
>>> a = RealMatrix(
...     (
...         1, 2, 3,
...         4, 5, 6,
...     ),
...     shape=(2, 3),
... )
>>> sum(a)  # Sum over the elements
>>> b = RealMatrix(  # Sum over the rows
...     (
...         sum(row)
...         for row in a.slices(by=ROW)
...     ),
...     shape=COL,
... )
>>> print(b)
|        6 |
|       15 |
(2 × 1)
>>> c = RealMatrix(  # Sum over the columns
...     (
...         sum(col)
...         for col in a.slices(by=COL)
...     ),
...     shape=ROW,
... )
>>> print(c)
|        5        7        9 |
(1 × 3)

Depending on your choice of Matrix type, and how generically-defined the function is, you can sometimes get away with passing slices to it directly:

>>> b = sum(a.slices(by=COL))
>>> print(b)
|        6 |
|       15 |
(2 × 1)
>>> c = sum(a.slices(by=ROW))
>>> print(c)
|        5        7        9 |
(1 × 3)

Be sure that the function expressly supports this kind of behavior, however, as it may be an unexpected consequence of the function’s implementation (and thus, may be subject to change).

For functions that take a matrix as both input and output, you must traverse one more layer of depth to pass items to the Matrix constructor (from_nesting() can avoid this, but the shape is not as clearly notated at the time of construction):

>>> d = RealMatrix(
...     (
...         val
...         for row in a.slices(by=ROW)
...         for val in row.reverse()
...     ),
...     shape=a.shape,
... )
>>> print(d)
|        3        2        1 |
|        6        5        4 |
(2 × 3)
>>> e = RealMatrix.from_nesting(
...     (
...         row.reverse()
...         for row in a.slices(by=ROW)
...     ),
... )
>>> print(e)
|        3        2        1 |
|        6        5        4 |
(2 × 3)


Python’s type system is a rapidly-changing area of work - we believe that Matrix’s typing API is prepared for future system changes, however, and we encourage users to take advantage of it. In our opinion, it makes matrix-oriented code much clearer to read, because you can describe value types and shapes without ever consulting documentation.

For functions that operate on matrices of any type or shape, use a TypeVar:

from typing import TypeVar

from matrixlib import Matrix, ComplexMatrix

T = TypeVar("T")
M = TypeVar("M", bound=int)
N = TypeVar("N", bound=int)

def shape(x: Matrix[M, N, T]) -> tuple[M, N]:
    return x.shape

a = ComplexMatrix[L[2], L[3], complex](
        1+1j, 2+2j, 3+3j,
        4+4j, 5+5j, 6+6j,
    shape=(2, 3),

s = shape(a)

reveal_type(s)  # Revealed type is "Tuple[Literal[2], Literal[3]]"

We often name our type variables M, N, and T to fill the number of rows, number of columns, and value type arguments. Note that M and N must be bound to instances of int - T may also need to be bounded depending on your matrix type:

  • Matrix is un-bounded

  • ComplexMatrix is bounded to built-in complex

  • RealMatrix is bounded to built-in float

  • IntegerMatrix is bounded to built-in int

We typically name the type variable C, R, and I, respectively, for the latter sub-classes. If you have type variables with those names already, we generally fallback to using ComplexT, RealT, and IntegerT.

There are some situations where you may only know both dimensions of the matrix at runtime (e.g., streams of data from a network). While it’s tempting to use a raw int as M or N, prefer a NewType instead:

import random
from typing import Final
from typing import Literal as L
from typing import NewType

from matrixlib import ROW, RealMatrix

UNKNOWN_SIZE: Final = random.randint(1, 50)  # An unknown size

UnknownN = NewType("UnknownN", int)  # A type hint for the unknown size

a = RealMatrix[L[1], UnknownN, float](
        for _ in range(UNKNOWN_SIZE)

b = RealMatrix[L[1], UnknownN, float](
        for _ in range(UNKNOWN_SIZE)

c = a + b

reveal_type(c)  # Revealed type is "matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[Literal[1], main.UnknownN, builtins.float]"

This causes a.__add__() to ensure that b has UnknownN as its second dimension, similar to a literal int. The same will apply to other binary functions like it.

In general, avoid using int dimensions whenever possible. Having them can let the type checker approve matrices of varying shape as arguments to equally-shaped parameters, as an example of just one problem they can cause:

from matrixlib import IntegerMatrix

a = IntegerMatrix[int, int, int](
        1, 2, 3,
        4, 5, 6,
    shape=(2, 3),

b = IntegerMatrix[int, int, int](
        1, 2, 3, 4,
        5, 6, 7, 8,
    shape=(2, 4),

c = a + b

reveal_type(c)  # Revealed type is "matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[,,]"