
Built-in matrix type definitions

class matrixlib.builtins.Matrix(array: Mesh[M_co, N_co, T_co])#
class matrixlib.builtins.Matrix(array: Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co])
class matrixlib.builtins.Matrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>])
class matrixlib.builtins.Matrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>])
class matrixlib.builtins.Matrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: Rule)
class matrixlib.builtins.Matrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: tuple[+M_co, +N_co])

A “hybrid” one and two-rank immutable sequence

Implements the collections.abc.Sequence interface, alongside two-dimensional transformations and access abilities. Provides only a few vectorized operations that are usable on objects of any type.

__init__(array: Mesh[M_co, N_co, T_co]) None#
__init__(array: Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co]) None
__init__(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>]) None
__init__(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>]) None
__init__(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: Rule) None
__init__(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: tuple[+M_co, +N_co]) None

Construct a matrix from an iterable and shape, or from another matrix instance

If shape is a Rule, array is interpreted as either a row or column vector, depending on the given member.

Raises ValueError if any of the shape’s values are negative, or if the shape’s product does not equal the length of array (debug-only).

Construction-by-matrix (what we call “casting”), is a constant-time operation. Providing a matrix with some shape is usually a constant-time operation as well, but can vary depending on its material state (this is also how matrices can be “re-shaped”).

__repr__() str#

Return a canonical representation of the matrix

__str__() str#

Return a string representation of the matrix

__eq__(other: object) bool#

Return true if the two matrices are equal, otherwise false

__hash__() int#

Return a hash of the matrix

Matrices are hashable if its values are also hashable.

__len__() int#

Return the matrix’s size

__getitem__(key: int) T_co#
__getitem__(key: slice) Matrix[Literal[1], Any, T_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, int]) T_co
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, slice]) Matrix[Literal[1], Any, T_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, int]) Matrix[Any, Literal[1], T_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, slice]) Matrix[Any, Any, T_co]

Return the value or sub-matrix corresponding to key

__iter__() Iterator[T_co]#

Return an iterator over the values of the matrix in row-major order

__reversed__() Iterator[T_co]#

Return an iterator over the values of the matrix in reverse row-major order

__contains__(value: object) bool#

Return true if the matrix contains value, otherwise false

final __deepcopy__(memo=None) Self#

Return the matrix

final __copy__() Self#

Return the matrix

property array: Sequence[T_co]#

The underlying sequence of matrix values, aligned in row-major order

This object will, at minimum, have an implementation of the Sequence interface. We make no guarantee of any concrete types, as it depends on a variety of internal conditions.

property shape: tuple[+M_co, +N_co]#

The number of rows and columns as a tuple

property nrows: M_co#

The number of rows

property ncols: N_co#

The number of columns

classmethod from_nesting(nesting: Iterable[Iterable[T_co]]) Self#

Construct a matrix from a singly-nested iterable, using the shallowest iterable’s length to deduce the number of rows, and the nested iterables’ length to deduce the number of columns

Raises ValueError if the length of the nested iterables is inconsistent (debug-only).

index(value: Any, start: int = 0, stop: int | None = None) int#

Return the first index where value appears in the matrix

Raises ValueError if value is not present.

count(value: Any) int#

Return the number of times value appears in the matrix

materialize() Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co]#

Return a materialized copy of the matrix

Certain methods (particularly those that permute the matrix’s values in some fashion) construct a view onto the underlying sequence to preserve memory. These views can “stack” onto one another, which can drastically increase access time.

This method addresses said issue by shallowly placing the elements into a new sequence - a process that we call “materialization”. The resulting matrix instance will have access times identical to that of an instance created from an array-and-shape pairing, but note that this may consume significant amounts of memory (depending on the size of the matrix).

If the matrix does not store a kind of view, this method returns a matrix that is semantically equivalent to the original. We call such matrices “materialized”, or “material”, as they store a sequence whose elements already exist in the desired order.

Think of materialization as being akin to compiling regular expressions: if the same matrix permutation is required in many different places, it’s much more time-efficient to materialize it, and use the resulting material matrix as a substituting variable.

transpose() Matrix[N_co, M_co, T_co]#

Return a transposed view of the matrix

flip(*, by: Rule = Rule.ROW) Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co]#

Return a flipped view of the matrix

rotate(n: Literal[-16, -14, -12, -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]) Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co]#
rotate(n: Literal[-15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]) Matrix[N_co, M_co, T_co]
rotate(n: int) Matrix[Any, Any, T_co]
rotate() Matrix[N_co, M_co, T_co]

Return a rotated view of the matrix

Rotates the matrix n times in increments of 90 degrees. The matrix is rotated counter-clockwise if n is positive, and clockwise if n is negative. All integers are accepted, but many (particularly those outside of a small range near zero) will lose typing precision.

reverse() Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co]#

Return a reversed view of the matrix

n(by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>]) M_co#
n(by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>]) N_co
n(by: Rule) M_co | N_co

Return the dimension corresponding to the given Rule

values(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[T_co]#
values(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[T_co]
values(*, by: Rule, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[T_co]
values(*, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[T_co]

Return an iterator over the values of the matrix in row or column-major order

slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[Matrix[Literal[1], N_co, T_co]]#
slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[Matrix[M_co, Literal[1], T_co]]
slices(*, by: Rule, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[Matrix[Any, Any, T_co]]
slices(*, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[Matrix[Literal[1], N_co, T_co]]

Return an iterator over the rows or columns of the matrix

format(*, field_width: int = 8) str#

Return a formatted string representation of the matrix

Writes all contained values to fields of a multi-line string. If the value’s string representation exceeds field_width, it is truncated, with its last character slot re-purposed to an include an ellipsis character (, U+2026) - signifying that the field width must be larger for the value to appear in its entirety.

Raises ValueError if field_width is not positive.

This method is primarily intended for use in interactive sessions. Relying on this method for serialization (or similar) is discouraged, as its format may change without regard for backwards compatability.

equal(other: Matrix[M_co, N_co, object]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
equal(other: object) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]

Return element-wise a == b

not_equal(other: Matrix[M_co, N_co, object]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
not_equal(other: object) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]

Return element-wise a != b

class matrixlib.builtins.ComplexMatrix(array: Mesh[M_co, N_co, T_co])#
class matrixlib.builtins.ComplexMatrix(array: Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co])
class matrixlib.builtins.ComplexMatrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>])
class matrixlib.builtins.ComplexMatrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>])
class matrixlib.builtins.ComplexMatrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: Rule)
class matrixlib.builtins.ComplexMatrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: tuple[+M_co, +N_co])

Built-in Matrix sub-class constrained to instances of complex

__getitem__(key: int) C_co#
__getitem__(key: slice) ComplexMatrix[Literal[1], Any, C_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, int]) C_co
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, slice]) ComplexMatrix[Literal[1], Any, C_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, int]) ComplexMatrix[Any, Literal[1], C_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, slice]) ComplexMatrix[Any, Any, C_co]

Return the value or sub-matrix corresponding to key

__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__add__(other: int) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__add__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a + b

__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__sub__(other: int) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__sub__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a - b

__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__mul__(other: int) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mul__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a * b

__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, int]#
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, float]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, complex]

Return the matrix product

__truediv__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]#
__truediv__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__truediv__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__truediv__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a / b

__radd__(other: int) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__radd__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__radd__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b + a

__rsub__(other: int) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rsub__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__rsub__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b - a

__rmul__(other: int) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rmul__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__rmul__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b * a

__rtruediv__(other: float) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]#
__rtruediv__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b / a

__neg__() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__neg__() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__neg__() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise -a

__pos__() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__pos__() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__pos__() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise +a

__abs__() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__abs__() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise abs(a)

materialize() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, C_co]#

Return a materialized copy of the matrix

Certain methods (particularly those that permute the matrix’s values in some fashion) construct a view onto the underlying sequence to preserve memory. These views can “stack” onto one another, which can drastically increase access time.

This method addresses said issue by shallowly placing the elements into a new sequence - a process that we call “materialization”. The resulting matrix instance will have access times identical to that of an instance created from an array-and-shape pairing, but note that this may consume significant amounts of memory (depending on the size of the matrix).

If the matrix does not store a kind of view, this method returns a matrix that is semantically equivalent to the original. We call such matrices “materialized”, or “material”, as they store a sequence whose elements already exist in the desired order.

Think of materialization as being akin to compiling regular expressions: if the same matrix permutation is required in many different places, it’s much more time-efficient to materialize it, and use the resulting material matrix as a substituting variable.

transpose() ComplexMatrix[N_co, M_co, C_co]#

Return a transposed view of the matrix

flip(*, by: Rule = Rule.ROW) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, C_co]#

Return a flipped view of the matrix

rotate(n: Literal[-16, -14, -12, -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, C_co]#
rotate(n: Literal[-15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]) ComplexMatrix[N_co, M_co, C_co]
rotate(n: int) ComplexMatrix[Any, Any, C_co]
rotate() ComplexMatrix[N_co, M_co, C_co]

Return a rotated view of the matrix

Rotates the matrix n times in increments of 90 degrees. The matrix is rotated counter-clockwise if n is positive, and clockwise if n is negative. All integers are accepted, but many (particularly those outside of a small range near zero) will lose typing precision.

reverse() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, C_co]#

Return a reversed view of the matrix

slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[ComplexMatrix[Literal[1], N_co, C_co]]#
slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[ComplexMatrix[M_co, Literal[1], C_co]]
slices(*, by: Rule, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[ComplexMatrix[Any, Any, C_co]]
slices(*, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[ComplexMatrix[Literal[1], N_co, C_co]]

Return an iterator over the rows or columns of the matrix

conjugate() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
conjugate() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
conjugate() ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a.conjugate()

transjugate() ComplexMatrix[N_co, M_co, int]#
transjugate() ComplexMatrix[N_co, M_co, float]
transjugate() ComplexMatrix[N_co, M_co, complex]

Return the conjugate transpose

The returned matrix may or may not be a view depending on the active class.

class matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix(array: Mesh[M_co, N_co, T_co])#
class matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix(array: Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co])
class matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>])
class matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>])
class matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: Rule)
class matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: tuple[+M_co, +N_co])

Built-in ComplexMatrix sub-class constrained to instances of float

__lt__(other: RealMatrix[Any, Any, float]) bool#

Return true if lexicographic a < b, otherwise false

__le__(other: RealMatrix[Any, Any, float]) bool#

Return true if lexicographic a <= b, otherwise false

__gt__(other: RealMatrix[Any, Any, float]) bool#

Return true if lexicographic a > b, otherwise false

__ge__(other: RealMatrix[Any, Any, float]) bool#

Return true if lexicographic a >= b, otherwise false

__getitem__(key: int) R_co#
__getitem__(key: slice) RealMatrix[Literal[1], Any, R_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, int]) R_co
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, slice]) RealMatrix[Literal[1], Any, R_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, int]) RealMatrix[Any, Literal[1], R_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, slice]) RealMatrix[Any, Any, R_co]

Return the value or sub-matrix corresponding to key

__add__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__add__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__add__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__add__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a + b

__sub__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__sub__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__sub__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__sub__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a - b

__mul__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__mul__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__mul__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mul__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a * b

__matmul__(other: RealMatrix[N_co, P_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, P_co, int]#
__matmul__(other: RealMatrix[N_co, P_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, P_co, float]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, int]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, float]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, complex]

Return the matrix product

__truediv__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]#
__truediv__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__truediv__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__truediv__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__truediv__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a / b

__floordiv__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__floordiv__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__floordiv__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__floordiv__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise a // b

__mod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__mod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mod__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mod__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise a % b

__divmod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]#
__divmod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float]]
__divmod__(other: int) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]
__divmod__(other: float) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float]]

Return element-wise divmod(a, b)

__radd__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__radd__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__radd__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b + a

__rsub__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rsub__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__rsub__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b - a

__rmul__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rmul__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__rmul__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b * a

__rtruediv__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]#
__rtruediv__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b / a

__rfloordiv__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rfloordiv__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise b // a

__rmod__(other: int) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rmod__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise b % a

__rdivmod__(other: int) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]#
__rdivmod__(other: float) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float]]

Return element-wise divmod(b, a)

__neg__() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__neg__() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise -a

__pos__() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__pos__() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise +a

materialize() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, R_co]#

Return a materialized copy of the matrix

Certain methods (particularly those that permute the matrix’s values in some fashion) construct a view onto the underlying sequence to preserve memory. These views can “stack” onto one another, which can drastically increase access time.

This method addresses said issue by shallowly placing the elements into a new sequence - a process that we call “materialization”. The resulting matrix instance will have access times identical to that of an instance created from an array-and-shape pairing, but note that this may consume significant amounts of memory (depending on the size of the matrix).

If the matrix does not store a kind of view, this method returns a matrix that is semantically equivalent to the original. We call such matrices “materialized”, or “material”, as they store a sequence whose elements already exist in the desired order.

Think of materialization as being akin to compiling regular expressions: if the same matrix permutation is required in many different places, it’s much more time-efficient to materialize it, and use the resulting material matrix as a substituting variable.

transpose() RealMatrix[N_co, M_co, R_co]#

Return a transposed view of the matrix

flip(*, by: Rule = Rule.ROW) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, R_co]#

Return a flipped view of the matrix

rotate(n: Literal[-16, -14, -12, -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, R_co]#
rotate(n: Literal[-15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]) RealMatrix[N_co, M_co, R_co]
rotate(n: int) RealMatrix[Any, Any, R_co]
rotate() RealMatrix[N_co, M_co, R_co]

Return a rotated view of the matrix

Rotates the matrix n times in increments of 90 degrees. The matrix is rotated counter-clockwise if n is positive, and clockwise if n is negative. All integers are accepted, but many (particularly those outside of a small range near zero) will lose typing precision.

reverse() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, R_co]#

Return a reversed view of the matrix

slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[RealMatrix[Literal[1], N_co, R_co]]#
slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[RealMatrix[M_co, Literal[1], R_co]]
slices(*, by: Rule, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[RealMatrix[Any, Any, R_co]]
slices(*, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[RealMatrix[Literal[1], N_co, R_co]]

Return an iterator over the rows or columns of the matrix

conjugate() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
conjugate() RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise a.conjugate()

transjugate() RealMatrix[N_co, M_co, int]#
transjugate() RealMatrix[N_co, M_co, float]

Return the conjugate transpose

The returned matrix may or may not be a view depending on the active class.

compare(other: RealMatrix[Any, Any, float]) Literal[-1, 0, 1]#

Return literal -1, 0, or +1 if the matrix lexicographically compares less than, equal, or greater than other, respectively

Matrices are lexicographically compared values first, shapes second - similar to how built-in sequences compare values first, lengths second.

lesser(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
lesser(other: float) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]

Return element-wise a < b

lesser_equal(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
lesser_equal(other: float) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]

Return element-wise a <= b

greater(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
greater(other: float) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]

Return element-wise a > b

greater_equal(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
greater_equal(other: float) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]

Return element-wise a >= b

class matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix(array: Mesh[M_co, N_co, T_co])#
class matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix(array: Matrix[M_co, N_co, T_co])
class matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>])
class matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix(array: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~matrixlib.builtins.T_co], shape: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>])
class matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: Rule)
class matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix(array: Iterable[T_co], shape: tuple[+M_co, +N_co])

Built-in RealMatrix sub-class constrained to instances of int

__getitem__(key: int) I_co#
__getitem__(key: slice) IntegerMatrix[Literal[1], Any, I_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, int]) I_co
__getitem__(key: tuple[int, slice]) IntegerMatrix[Literal[1], Any, I_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, int]) IntegerMatrix[Any, Literal[1], I_co]
__getitem__(key: tuple[slice, slice]) IntegerMatrix[Any, Any, I_co]

Return the value or sub-matrix corresponding to key

__add__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__add__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__add__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__add__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__add__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__add__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a + b

__sub__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__sub__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__sub__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__sub__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__sub__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__sub__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a - b

__mul__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__mul__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mul__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]
__mul__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mul__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mul__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise a * b

__matmul__(other: IntegerMatrix[N_co, P_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, P_co, int]#
__matmul__(other: RealMatrix[N_co, P_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, P_co, int]
__matmul__(other: RealMatrix[N_co, P_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, P_co, float]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, int]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, int]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, float]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, float]
__matmul__(other: ComplexMatrix[N_co, P_co, complex]) ComplexMatrix[M_co, P_co, complex]

Return the matrix product

__floordiv__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__floordiv__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__floordiv__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__floordiv__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__floordiv__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise a // b

__mod__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__mod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__mod__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__mod__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise a % b

__divmod__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]#
__divmod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]
__divmod__(other: RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float]]
__divmod__(other: int) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]
__divmod__(other: float) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float]]

Return element-wise divmod(a, b)

__lshift__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__lshift__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise a << b

__rshift__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rshift__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise a >> b

__and__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__and__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__and__(other: bool) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]
__and__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise a & b

__xor__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__xor__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__xor__(other: bool) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]
__xor__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise a ^ b

__or__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__or__(other: IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]
__or__(other: bool) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]
__or__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise a | b

__radd__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__radd__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__radd__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b + a

__rsub__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rsub__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__rsub__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b - a

__rmul__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rmul__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]
__rmul__(other: complex) ComplexMatrix[M_co, N_co, complex]

Return element-wise b * a

__rfloordiv__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rfloordiv__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise b // a

__rmod__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#
__rmod__(other: float) RealMatrix[M_co, N_co, float]

Return element-wise b % a

__rdivmod__(other: int) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int], matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, int]]#
__rdivmod__(other: float) tuple[matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float], matrixlib.builtins.RealMatrix[+M_co, +N_co, float]]

Return element-wise divmod(b, a)

__rlshift__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#

Return element-wise b << a

__rrshift__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#

Return element-wise b >> a

__rand__(other: bool) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__rand__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise b & a

__rxor__(other: bool) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__rxor__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise b ^ a

__ror__(other: bool) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__ror__(other: int) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise b | a

__neg__() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#

Return element-wise -a

__pos__() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#

Return element-wise +a

__abs__() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#

Return element-wise abs(a)

__invert__() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, bool]#
__invert__() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]

Return element-wise ~a

materialize() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, I_co]#

Return a materialized copy of the matrix

Certain methods (particularly those that permute the matrix’s values in some fashion) construct a view onto the underlying sequence to preserve memory. These views can “stack” onto one another, which can drastically increase access time.

This method addresses said issue by shallowly placing the elements into a new sequence - a process that we call “materialization”. The resulting matrix instance will have access times identical to that of an instance created from an array-and-shape pairing, but note that this may consume significant amounts of memory (depending on the size of the matrix).

If the matrix does not store a kind of view, this method returns a matrix that is semantically equivalent to the original. We call such matrices “materialized”, or “material”, as they store a sequence whose elements already exist in the desired order.

Think of materialization as being akin to compiling regular expressions: if the same matrix permutation is required in many different places, it’s much more time-efficient to materialize it, and use the resulting material matrix as a substituting variable.

transpose() IntegerMatrix[N_co, M_co, I_co]#

Return a transposed view of the matrix

flip(*, by: Rule = Rule.ROW) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, I_co]#

Return a flipped view of the matrix

rotate(n: Literal[-16, -14, -12, -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]) IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, I_co]#
rotate(n: Literal[-15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]) IntegerMatrix[N_co, M_co, I_co]
rotate(n: int) IntegerMatrix[Any, Any, I_co]
rotate() IntegerMatrix[N_co, M_co, I_co]

Return a rotated view of the matrix

Rotates the matrix n times in increments of 90 degrees. The matrix is rotated counter-clockwise if n is positive, and clockwise if n is negative. All integers are accepted, but many (particularly those outside of a small range near zero) will lose typing precision.

reverse() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, I_co]#

Return a reversed view of the matrix

slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.ROW: 0>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[IntegerMatrix[Literal[1], N_co, I_co]]#
slices(*, by: ~typing.Literal[<Rule.COL: 1>], reverse: bool = False) Iterator[IntegerMatrix[M_co, Literal[1], I_co]]
slices(*, by: Rule, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[IntegerMatrix[Any, Any, I_co]]
slices(*, reverse: bool = False) Iterator[IntegerMatrix[Literal[1], N_co, I_co]]

Return an iterator over the rows or columns of the matrix

conjugate() IntegerMatrix[M_co, N_co, int]#

Return element-wise a.conjugate()

transjugate() IntegerMatrix[N_co, M_co, int]#

Return the conjugate transpose

The returned matrix may or may not be a view depending on the active class.

matrixlib.builtins.IntegralMatrix: TypeAlias = <class 'matrixlib.builtins.IntegerMatrix'>#

Type alias of IntegerMatrix